Be inspired by the future. Build it.




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80% of product launches fail.

Finding product-market-fit requires proven systems to understand the customer. We uncover demand & create strategies that deliver.

Strategy Design

Discover what your customers really need.

Experienced consultancy delivery powered by the D6 innovation management software.


Frameworks to de-risk your go to market strategy

Customer insights from ethnographic studies are tracked in our software so it can be analysed and cross referenced to build your understanding of the user needs. It’s no coincidence that when our client’s customers have seen the resulting solutions we have proposed they have literally told us: “That’s exactly what we need!”

D6: Software to turn innovation into to operation

With so many interconnected data points emerging during the innovation process and throughout conversations with users, making sense of information is essential - we take you through the four stages of Design Thinking to find product market fit, then into the Deploy stage to make your strategy real, with your sights on the Divest stage, which is the exit.

Applying the theory of Jobs To Be Done within Design thinking

Starting with a deep understanding of customer pain points gives you competitive advantage compared to starting with un-informed hypotheses and experiments. This builds on the empathy stage of Design Thinking to provide a powerful system for innovation. Find out more below.

Customer Testimonials

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“Greg exceeded our expectations because his process of User Centred research resulted in conclusions we didn’t anticipate. As engineers we jump to solutions, but Greg’s strength as a designer meant he combined the research with his ability to prototype and test. We would definitely uses his services again.” *Andrew Stordy, Founder and CTO at Ikawa Coffee


“Greg was amazing and we were so glad that he got involved at such an early stage - it changed our trajectory for the better and gave us profits to reinvest at a critical time. We will be using his services again - watch this space!“ *Fil Mano, Founder Dirty Cats London


We build custom innovation programmes to ensure you discover the right strategy for growth: